risk Whether you are on your home or office network or seek free public WiFi connection on, we know that can be managed simply using a free VPN.
# 1. critical security patches of the operating system. Expired When an operating system is released, it is often safe, or at least it can be for the moment. But once good guy and bad-guy hackers take a look mass of , they discover vulnerabilities. When on an unprotected network, criminals can use software seeking day vulnerabilities, unpatched software on your devices; once found, they use all the tools available to exploit these vulnerabilities and dig deeper into your devices.
# 2. unsecured wireless. WiFi networks unencrypted home or office or on the road in coffee shops, airports and hotels, are vulnerable to sniffers . Read sniffer wireless data that travels in the air and converts it so that other computers (and those who administer) stated in words, numbers and computer code.
# 3. Secure Wireless Evil. WiFi Protected employing WEP , or Wired Equivalent Privacy, is vulnerable. WEP, introduced in 1997, is the original version of the security of the wireless network. During the last decade and a half, however, WEP was cracked, hacked and decimated.
# 4. passphrases sharing network. You can share a wireless connection with people you trust. Maybe you have roommates, or you live in a condo or apartment and you love your neighbor so you give it your password so she can jump on your wireless internet. But by doing this, and no matter how nice your friends network sharing can you let other devices scoot through encryption your router uses.
# 5. diverted biscuits. Session hijacking is when you connect to a website and login data is stored via a cookie, a small piece of code that allows the site know that you are connected. If HTTPS is not used and these cookies aren 't encrypted, that often they are not, an attacker can copy the cookie on their device and surfing on this device as if it were your own. You have been hijacked!
# 6. Man-in-the-middle attack. When you are on an unprotected network and another device intercepts or spy on your Internet communications, then communicates with the designated site acting as if it is you, the other device communicates with the site and the site has no idea that it communicates with an attacker.
The best way to avoid all this drama is protecting your wireless devices as a free VPN Hotspot Shield. Hotspot Shield VPN protects your entire browsing session on the Web, allows private browsing, ensuring connecting to both your home Internet network and public Internet networks.
Robert Siciliano on Google+
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