Yesterday the House of Representatives passed the proposed cybersecurity legislation CISPA, which allows companies to break their confidentiality agreements. This means that companies are allowed to share your private data with the government without a warrant. As a result, we lose our privacy online.
Co-founder of Reddit and Internet Freedom Activist, Alexis Ohanian, publicly voices his opinion on CISPA by posting a viral online video. You can watch the video by clicking here. Ohanian made an effort to communicate with the founders of Google, Facebook and Twitter in the hope that they will help defeat the controversial draft cybersecurity legislation. SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) were both beaten with success in the past, so there is a possibility CISPA can be defeated also. Now we need your help to stop CISPA! Protect your online privacy
For more information on ways to help stop CISPA, go to :.
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