Is Malware increasing or decreasing?

4:12 PM
Is Malware increasing or decreasing? -

The antivirus companies used to be the most controversial companies there. Everyone used them and bought them, but almost all other persons also complained of how this software slowing their computer or if they even need such software. Everyone knew antivirus software existed for a controversial reason.

How times have changed.

In 2011, some new trends have emerged that shook the entire antivirus industry. Malware has become more popular with the advent of mobile systems. And it was discussed a bit whether the antivirus companies were ready to fight against malware. In mid-2012, new increasingly malicious software without almost any antivirus software came and went on a daily basis.

Today it is quite clear that only a very small number of companies such as Symantec, McAfee, BitDefender and some smaller entities are able to monitor and track malware on an acceptable pace. And acceptable, we intend to move rates.

Even Microsoft Security Essentials bundle vaunted failed the world-renowned certification AV test twice. We have tons of companies that claim to be solutions to the new generation of malware. It is not known at all to the solution that really works, taking into account that every day a new form or variant of malware and virus is released into the wild.

The only thing clear win to date is the malware itself. Now everyone is worried that antivirus companies are not smart enough to keep people safe from any malware and infect online on us every day.

Malware Trends

It is a fact now that antivirus companies are working harder, and in almost all cases, difficulty following malicious software developments. The most important differences can be seen in Symantec and McAfee, where their homepages currently focus more on words like "protection" and "malware" and less on "antivirus".

Viruses are bad, although malware is the new king of danger. McAfee predicts that in 2013 and beyond, the only thing to worry about in the near future will be mobile malware.

In fact, McAfee has made great efforts to say that mobile malware will be more dangerous than all the Anonymous group. While the Anonymous group companies and targeted resources generally with a political or non-political agenda, malware does not discriminate.

malware goes after everyone on every platform, no agenda. He just wants to spread and cause damage.

Everyone is infected. Including Apple.

The once untouchable Apple is now one of the prey. More malware and security exploits started to hit all Apple software in the last 12 months than in all previous years of the existence of Apple combined. The recent Java 7 plug-in in OS X left a huge security hole open, allowing any attacker to inject malicious software and other code on a remote system.

Apple used to be the standard by boasting of not being infected by virus, unlike Windows. Gone are the days when Apple fanboys fanboys could tell Microsoft about not enjoying being infected. Both groups are now victims to the same malware, and the same questions. This is one of the greatest points to prove, once more people start to access any type of system or software, the more likely it is that there are problems in this system and software.

legendary hated DRM and Apple itself was bypassed: now anyone can install an untested iPhone or iPad app or unlisted on their system without without jailbreaking their device. This is great news for those who want more freedom, but it also means that there are now new ways for malware applications to arrive without raising flags. What's more: there is already a fake malware OS X installer in nature. This is something that nobody ever imagined could happen.

Microsoft was once praised for always free updates via regular Tuesday's super easy to use online Windows Update. Now, after so many years of upgrades, each Windows update proves and shows that the software maker is behind in many things, and that malware and security issues in Windows may never end .

What is the future?

Almost no one is safe today. Your browser, computer, mobile phone and even mobile applications are now all subject to viruses and malware. At the current pace, malware is increasing. It does not seem to be slowing threats. Which is also produced in your favor, however, is that there are more services and tools out there now to help you fight and shield yourself from these threats.

The only solution now is to be aware and keep you updated. Google, Microsoft, Apple, Oracle, and even all your favorite mobile application release updates to their software to solve these security problems on a basis almost every week now. Make sure you apply these updates in a timely manner (ie daily)

Remember :. Do not panic, just keep updated with what is happening, and keep you updated. Our own Hotspot Shield also protects against malware, in addition to many other features. Try us and protect yourself for free on your Windows, iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch, and all your Android phones and tablets .

Safe surfing!

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