Cyber-attacks on banks :? Your money

7:02 PM
Cyber-attacks on banks :? Your money -

We've all seen the hit movies of the summer on the cyber attacks on banks, governments and other financial institutions, but is fiction starts hitting too close to reality? The answer is a resounding yes, based on examples of cyber-attack we cover later in this article.

So your money yet? If you start looking at other options to protect your financial assets, savings and financial resources?

Then you should not miss in the bank and begin the withdrawal of funds, there are some simple steps you can-and should-be taken to ensure that just as safe and secure as possible. Although the greatest risk for cyber attacks is hacking your credit card company (rather than your checking or savings account), it is still important to protect yourself.

The following examples of recent cyber attacks on banks demonstrate how it is

6 US banks Struck

in September 2012, a group of hackers welcomed Iran attacked six of the largest financial institutions in the United States. While money was not stolen during the attack, bank websites were blacked out, leading to customers can not access their accounts online or do any kind of online banking.

One of the major concerns for customers of these banks was that they did not know what was happening. In fact, the main complaint from customers was that banks did not properly inform them of the attacks. This highlights the potential for panic if customers are not kept in the loop on what's happening.

The pirates in this case used a form of cyber attack known as "denial of service". This is not a sophisticated attack and basically works by flooding the website with traffic so that it becomes overwhelmed and stops. Web site servers can handle a specific amount of web traffic at all times and when these limits are exceeded, the sites in question down.

As indicated, this attack has nothing to do with going after accounts or try to steal money, it was actually carried out in retaliation for a video that was posted online mocking Islam prophet Mohammed. In exchange, the attackers said the attacks would continue until the video was removed.

Although financial institutions are not anything to do with the video, they are high-profile targets. When customers feel they are susceptible to attacks, it could lead to a run on the fund, which could ultimately take down the financial sector.

This is an example of what is known as a nuisance attack style, but do not let the relatively small impact of this particular situation allay your concerns. It is feared more than a type of attack similar to the US stock market could have a devastating effect on the overall economy of the United States and, later, abroad.

$ 45 million Stolen

Probably the biggest bank robbery in history was not carried out in a bloody robbery, theft of an armored vehicle or " 11 Ocean "sophisticated style hit on a casino. It was carried out in an amazing display of precision and organization that involved hundreds of men and women around the world working together.

Seven people involved were captured in New York and awaiting trial while the ground remains their next strike.

In this scheme, a set of rich donors paid hackers to penetrate the financial systems and to access the PIN numbers of their clients.

doing, they also removed the withdrawal limits for these accounts so that an unlimited amount of money could be taken against them. From there, the PIN data and other information were sent off to "collectors," who would go to an ATM to the next withdrawal as much money as the ATM could generate.

within two hours, over a dozen "collectors" moved to Broadway in New York and retreated to $ 2.8 million. The authorities call it an "unlimited operation," representing one of the most advanced systems ever created to steal money from banks and their clients.

is your money safe?

These attacks, while being completely different in nature from the other, highlight a continuing threat to financial institutions of all sizes. While some banks and other organizations are actively looking to recruit experienced hackers to try to break their firewall, some continue to rely on the ingenuity of their internal staff.

This could mean limited preview of how hackers outside could access and steal money from their clients. Thus, the most important factor to consider is whether or not your money is really safe in your current bank.

In the US, the federal government insures deposits up to $ 250,000. That means that if something happened to your bank for example, if it suffers a run on its funds and goes out of business your money is insured; you will not lose your savings.

The same is true if a hacker breaks into mainframes your bank, gets access to your personal PIN or other account information, and steal all your money. The amount of insurance is limited to $ 250,000, though, so if you happen to have more than that in checking or savings account, you'll want to consider other options for the surplus amounts.

The problem with cyber attacks on banks is they are designed to do one of two things. They are not only intended to steal money, they can also be an attempt to undermine public confidence in banks. This could then cause customers to withdraw their money or move elsewhere to potentially less secure areas.

How to protect your money

Fortunately, there are steps that everyone can take that can help protect the money they have in the financial accounts.

  • Keep an eye on your accounts and report any suspicious activity you meet as soon as possible.
  • Change your ATM pin number frequently, using not-digit seemingly random date of birth or numbers that are personally meaningful.
  • Never access your account information from a public wireless access point.
  • to install a VPN client on your device and use VPN (Virtual Private Network Service) whenever possible to ensure that your personal information is safe when working online.

Finally, keep a level head the threat of cyber attacks. The last thing we should do is to play into the hands of hackers and thieves and hide the money "under the mattress." Not only lost on the accumulation of interest, your money becomes completely vulnerable at this point. Keep an eye on your money, be smart and do not give in to fear.

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