AnchorFree featured on Forbes!

5:13 PM
AnchorFree featured on Forbes! -

Guess who was featured on the first page of today? 😉

AnchorFree was!

Thanks to you and to all our supporters, the message was loud and clear, and Forbes agrees! Hotspot Shield is the best way to protect yourself on the road, and when connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot.

The article talks about the history of our company and how we came to be the company we are today. It is a great read, especially if you have been our fan for years!

As a relatively new employee, a part of the information in the article was still new to me. With privacy and Internet security issues becoming hot topic, we're excited about the future.

We hope to continue to provide Internet security, privacy and access to you and the masses long time!

How did you hear about us? Let us know in the comments.

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