Ars Technica recently published an article entitled "Why you probably should not do the work on this flight Wi - Fi. "While we fully agree that it is dangerous to use Wi-Fi that does not have an encryption system, we do not think that the article is written quite strongly enough. There are more hidden dangers in the wireless world today!
There is not no doubt about it. If you work for a company you have legal obligations to protect intellectual property, you come in contact with. If you have a family or are part of a community of people, you have a moral obligation to preserve their lives. There is no "probably "in an obligation.
the article calls attention to the fact that GoGo and Global Eagle (in-flight Wi-Fi providers) are bad and harmful things on their networks to actively undermine encryption and confidentiality of connections. the article also points out that these services use open Wi-Fi without enable encryption between devices and the wireless access point ( WAP). These two things allow ANYONE with a laptop to run trivially a process for recording all your unencrypted traffic - in fact, Macs come pre-loaded with Apple network troubleshooting tool that can do this in a handful of seconds: tcpdump
Does this mean that you are safe to use Wi-Fi networks that require you to enter a password to login? these Wi-Fi networks are they secure? Not really. When I go to my coffee local favorite, I connect to their Wi-Fi with their password: Then, as I surf and do my work while eating my pancakes, am I protected against such "Pancakes." strange look in the back of the House? Perhaps, not necessarily - but it is never certain. There are a variety of Wi-Fi security protocols a network operator can use, each with varying degrees of security. For most people, there is no way for them to know or even understand how to secure a given wireless network during the entry process sign-on "pancakes." It is dangerous to believe that the entry of a password means that you are protected against eavesdropping. The safest option is to believe that the worst of the wireless Internet that you use and simply, always use a VPN. Even if you pay a fee for access to a Wi-Fi network, you should be wary of what the network operator is doing with your data that might be snooping on you.
This is why, when I connect to a Wi-Fi network, my first immediate action is to connect to a virtual private network. If I can not connect to a VPN, I usually disable the Wi-Fi on my device and password to my e-book reader favorite for a relaxing moment with a good book. These dangers are very real reasons why we started and developed our Golden Frog VyprVPN product. We saw that the law was not going to protect you, and in some countries, legislation was actively attack your privacy. We have seen that companies providing Internet access to your home, cafes, or even on airplanes, are not going to look out for your privacy is. VyprVPN is born because we believe in the protection of privacy.
What can you do?
If you're traveling or just using the local Wi-Fi at your local cafe or coffee, you have an obligation to your employer, your family and friends, to protect privacy of your Internet activities. Please, use a VPN. I hope you choose VyprVPN, but if you choose a competitor or your corporate VPN is probably fine too; just do your research on privacy policies and understand how the choice of an online VPN provider is affecting your ultimate privacy.
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