A new show on the USA Network called Mr. Robot just wrapped its first season. The show is a cyber security expert (Elliot) who hacks and busts Aubad guys at as a hobby, and eventually recruited to join an underground hacker organization working to lower corporate America. Elliot then meets the anarchist Mr. Robot, and the show follows their efforts in the fight against piracy and the evils together. You can learn more here.
We believe it, AOS great there, AOS a show shed light on privacy issues on the Internet, and the buzz of social media, it received is also exciting. As the show illustrates, once you have someone, AOS personal information you tremendous leverage to manipulate. That we, as AOD people realize is that what is portrayed in the show is also something that is happening in real life . Our private information and the right to privacy is actively encroached by governments, criminals, corporations and other entities. So, the real world is more dangerous than what, AOS portrayed in this TV show.
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