E-Mail Privacy Texas - A model for the nation

4:35 PM
E-Mail Privacy Texas - A model for the nation -

Privacy The June 14, 2013 Texas Governor Rick Perry signed the legislation, HB2268, a project Texas law requiring responsible for law enforcement to get a warrant before accessing email and other communications content. legislation, which comes into force in September, giving Texas the strongest right to privacy of emails in the United States. The bill sets a defect in Texas law that flows from the Federal Law of 1986 on Electronic Communications Privacy (ECPA) for email more than 180 days to obtain without a warrant. ECPA sets a confidentiality floor -.? States may provide additional protections and that is what Texas has done just

Why all the fuss

When it comes down to it, it is a question of confidence, and when I say i mean confidence the economy. With the global cloud computing industry is expected to achieve explosive growth, economic prosperity is at stake If individuals and businesses can not ensure the confidentiality of their data in the cloud. they will simply not put it there. And that means the growth of cloud computing will be significantly reduced, ultimately affecting jobs and the economy, not just in the US but worldwide.

A model for the nation

The Texas law is important; in fact, he passed the House of Representatives of Texas and Texas Senate without a single vote no! When it comes down to it, the Texas lawmakers determined that the vote of privacy is a vote for prosperity - and that is just hard to argue with. The Texas bill should be used as a model for all states to make their own statements in the name of prosperity.

Is the federal government up?

A new bill (S. 607) to amend the Act respecting the protection of electronic communications in the United States (ECPA) is in the works, introduced by Senators Leahy US (D-VT) and Lee (R-UT). Basically, S.607 require any enforcement of state and federal government of the United States (but not the CIA or the NSA) to obtain a warrant, after showing "probable cause" for the "content" of any electronic communication.

is that the federal amendment ECPA enough?

The US Congress is considering a request from the SEC for an exception that would allow him and all other federal regulatory agencies, including the IRS to access electronic communications with a control rubber-stamp. He wants to force service providers (data centers, telcos, cloud service providers, etc.) to disclose the content of their users directly to federal regulatory agencies without a warrant. This causes a serious confidence problem, and as indicated above which results in an economic problem. Why? Because the service provider will make all files in the target account, including those that are not relevant to the subject of the inquiry, denying companies the right to safeguard privileged information and bypassing the right of every consumer to oppose or limit the access of the government.

What ECPA anyway

The Act on Protection of electronic communications in the United States (ECPA) was enacted in 1986, when we lived in a world e very different from today ?; Internet "public" did not even exist. The main goal of ECPA was then meet new technologies and communications services and govern how the application of the law could obtain information about "oral", "son" and "e-services" which at the time essentially composed of display and walled- garden gates panels. WebMail as we now know did not exist and there was no cloud storage services. For more information about ECPA read this.

What can we do today to protect our privacy?

The legislation as ECPA can help protect our privacy, but it is not enough. Golden Frog believes in encryption and products such as VyprVPN developed to help preserve an open Internet experience and secure, while respecting the privacy of the user. VyprVPN is used in more than 215 countries around the world by people who share our belief that encryption can protect privacy. Golden Frog also believes because of the law and meets the demands of law enforcement that are supported by appropriate warrants.

Ron Yokubaitis, co-CEO, Golden Frog

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