Big Data and Algorithms: How They Change the way we live

5:12 PM
Big Data and Algorithms: How They Change the way we live -

If you think that big data does not play a role in your life , think again. Say your little seems under the weather. You Google his symptoms and search for the best remedy against cough for children. Meanwhile, Google aggregates and analyzes search queries, such as "my child is sick," in your area to estimate flu activity in the region in real time. These data points are then used Johns Hopkins researchers analysis Google searches to predict flu outbreaks faster than the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Or maybe you just bought a new refrigerator, a GE smart device. Thanks to NewFi system GE refrigerator constantly communicate with GE, feeding data on the frequency of the refrigerator is opened, its temperature is, and impending mechanical failure. When you call for repairs, technology will come equipped with the parties that the data GE's appliance suggest may need replacing. to confirm, the technology can connect a laptop to the refrigerator to analyze diagnostic data.

These are two scenarios that show how data and large not only algorithms pervade our lives, but also to change them for the better. We create more data than ever before with the use of Internet, smartphones, social media, transactions, and equipped with detection devices myriad. In fact, Google's executive chairman Eric Schmidt believes that we produce in two days, the same amount of data accumulated since the beginning of civilization in 03. Read on to learn more about how big data is revolutionizing the way we live.

Big Data Set

the definition of major data varies depending on its application, but a recent report by the White House defined as "technological increasing ability to capture together and deal an ever increasing volume, velocity and variety of data. "in 2013, the world generated four data zettabytes according to the report. to put this in context, if every person in the United States took a digital photo of each second of every day for over a month, these photos combined would equal a zettabyte.

one of the main engines of large data volumes is the "Internet of Things', which refers to the ability of devices from cars to appliances to communicate with each other through sensors connected to networks. These Internet-connected devices - which have six billion by 2015, according to the Harvard Business Review - generate massive amounts of data with all kinds of potential

Implications for health care

Big data can not. be able to determine causality, but excels at identifying the correlation. In medicine, spotting correlations can be whatever providers need to take preventive measures. For example, Canadian researchers analyzed premature infants followed over 1,000 data points every second. They stunned doctors when they found a correlation between unusually stable vital signs and severe fever a day later. Although they do not understand the phenomenon, doctors can now treat to prevent fevers.

Similarly, researchers from MIT and several other institutions have created a computer model using an ECG data thrown mountain of heart attack survivors. The model identifies patients at risk of another heart attack next year. Using data mining and machine-learning, they found abnormalities in three EKGs that match a high risk of a second heart attack. normal screening methods examine only 30 seconds of ECG; this model allows doctors to analyze ECG data from hours to spot the red flags.

a godsend for security

In a 02 news conference Rumsfeld famously remarked that "unknown unknowns" or the things that the United States does not know that not known, internal security are the most pernicious. This situation is improved by large analysis of data that can study the travel behavior, internet activity, bank accounts, phone records, in addition to spot troubling patterns. These analyzes identify the people we do not know are members of criminal or terrorist activity -. Those who otherwise would go unnoticed

Similarly, something as seemingly innocuous as your identification badge employee can generate large data helps managers identify criminal activity. Algorithms fraud-spotting looking for aberrations in the time that the badges used in secure buildings such as come suddenly in the night or the weekend. In fact, badging models are one of the variables that the program financed by the CIA examines the identification of insider trading.

facilitate energy conservation

Big data can help identify energy leeches in buildings and houses to reduce electricity consumption. Consider professor of computer science Shwetak Patel, who invented a device called ElectriSense, a plug-in sensor that generates usage data at the device for any home. The deduced sensor power consumption of all devices in the home to help homeowners identify how they can reduce. For example, Patel found that the DVR consume an average of 11 percent of the power of a household. Data from sensors such as using spot energy leaks Patel quickly and can also predict potential problems.

Entertainment in science

Netflix, with over 36 million subscribers in the US alone, would cease to function without much data. The service is powered by Hadoop, a data processing platform that allows Netflix to allocate computer resources according to the needs. Hadoop analyzes traffic across different locations and devices to make it more reliable video streaming and to develop strategies for the future. Hadoop is also the recommendation of Netflix service to studying the behavior and preferences of visualization.

The role of

Big data in the entertainment does not stop there. Hollywood relies increasingly on computer algorithms improved with decades of movie data to predict what will fly and what will flop. For example, Epagogix analysts, a consulting company for the entertainment industry, read a script and the value of all the plot points, like car chases or love scenes. They then give the script a score based on a directory. These scores are so accurate that some financiers, according to Business Marketplace, will not back a script unless approved algorithms.

The end of privacy: Some Implications of Big Data

As we have already discussed in some of our recent posts, there is a downside to all this data aggregation, especially when it is combined with the Internet above-mentioned things. As technology connected permeates more and more every aspect of our daily lives, it becomes almost inseparable data that these devices provide. Although the intention apparently is to make our lives easier, there is still no escaping the fact that we are disclosing an unprecedented amount of data about ourselves.

This means that sharing unwanted information will only grow, and this is a conversation that our society as a whole must continue to revisit. , On breathtaking After all the implications on privacy will really if we let grow unchecked.

Ultimately, it became very obvious that big data is already a reality of everyday life. Whenever we tweet, text, search or purchase, we generate data, and the data has enormous potential for the future. Improving the delivery of health care to the protection of the nation, large data probably means living better, but it really means that privacy is a thing of the past?

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