What is happening right now in front of the FCC

1:32 PM
What is happening right now in front of the FCC -

(Editor's Note: The following is a guest blog Evan Greer, campaign director at fight for the future)

it goes. A group of net neutrality dedicated activists meet at this time outside the headquarters of the FCC in Washington DC. They brought banners, signs and sleeping bags ...

These people -. Internet users like you and me - are camping in front of the FCC day and night until the agency hears the cry of overwhelming public to reign in abusive telecommunications monopolies and keeping the Internet equally for all

This is the best part. it is already working. Before one protester had even showed up at the door of the FCC, we received a call from the office of Chairman Tom Wheeler demand that our message was, and saying they are interested in meeting us. This is particularly interesting, because when we helped provide more than 1 million of net neutrality signatures to the FCC last month, they would not meet.

Now we know that we have the attention of the FCC, as they'll be walking past our camp every day when they come to work. We heard from our contacts in Washington DC Tom Wheeler was not expecting this kind of solid play to his announcement of net neutrality last week. AT & T, Verizon and Comcast have dozens of paid lobbyists surrounding everyday FCC, this is our way of fighting back.

Save the Internet

We have not only the attention of Tom Wheeler, but two other FCC commissioners have stepped up and publicly questioned Wheeler's proposal to support the policy of the open Internet. We have a real chance to win this fight and keep the Internet as a free and open platform for communication and expression, but we need everyone to help spread the word. This becomes greater than all the expected FCC - and it's only going to get bigger, which leads to our actions on 15 May

If you are in Washington, DC, please join us! We will rally outside the FCC every day from now until May 15, at 445 12th St SW in Washington, DC. And if you are particularly dedicated to bring your sleeping bag and camp with us. More people are keeping a constant presence outside the FCC, more likely to be won of net neutrality and to defend freedom of expression online.

-Evan Greer

about the author

Evan's campaign manager in the fight for the future, an organization building a grassroots movement to ensure everyone can access the Internet at low cost, without interference or censorship and in full confidentiality. You can follow on Twitter at Evan @evan_greer.

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