The Times of India reported that the Internet is blocked in Azamgarh, a town in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The block comes in the wake of riots that started Sunday. As explained by India Today, the block was passed to "restrict the rumor mongering and keep control over communication on the Internet."
The Internet block will last 72 hours and comes in the wake of "sectarian tensions" and riots that took place during a class communities over the weekend. text and voice calls are still available
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the Internet censorship in India
This is the first time Internet services were blocked in Indian state of Azamgarh However, the Internet has been blocked previously in riots and conflict to stop the spread of rumors, misleading information and further violence. "Since 2013, Internet services were banned in Jammu -and Kashmir, Gujarat, Jharkhand , Harayana, Rajasthan, Manipur and Nagaland whenever Righteous Kill went out of control. "
Earlier this year, India also proposed a new encryption restrictive law, which was quickly withdrawn due to controversy. India is classified as having Internet experience that is "partly free" by Freedom on the Net, and the blocking of the Government of content / sites authorized by the government by law.
VyprVPN has recently added a server location in Mumbai, India, by providing a local connection point for the region.
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