In the summer of 1982, I was 15 years old and lucky enough to travel through Europe with my family. We spent a few nights in Rome and I was in awe of the sights and sounds, unknown scents and beautiful people who always seemed to wear their best clothes.
We had just visited the Coliseum, but because it was undergoing repairs at the time we did not get to see inside. I am convinced, however, to just be lucky enough to watch this amazing structure from the outside.
As we walked into our hotel room a young teenager quickly came alongside my grandmother and put a piece of cardboard on top of her purse. She started talking very quickly and I noticed a look of concern come to the grandmother's face. Cardboard wrote about it and my initial was that she was trying to sell something.
It turned out that this girl was a pickpocket. The carton was there to hide his hand sliding into the bag to take what she could. Fortunately, she is left with nothing.
pickpocket has not stopped in the digital age
That was my first lesson of what can happen to you when you travel and it was quite the revelation for this 15 year old girl. The only things we had to worry about when traveling in those days were to arrive safely, knowing where to look before crossing the road, depending on where you were and make sure your membership staff was secure.
You certainly do not want to be in a foreign country without your passport and all your money and credit cards past.
rapid advance in these hectic times we live now. The digital age where much of the human race have their eyes on any electronic gadget they have in their hands.
These smart phones, tablets, laptops have made the world a smaller place. Sites such as Google allowed to see the world without actually leaving your house.
Before traveling with your electronics for a moment think that important information, it is about you on your computer or cell phone and how often access to an unsecured network.
People do it every day without giving it a second thought. Whether you are in your own neighborhood to your local coffee shop or you sit in an idyllic café in Paris, chances are pretty good that you can find an unsecured network that lets you connect and update your Facebook status, connect -you and send an e-mail to family and friends at home or even worse check your bank balance.
All your personal information is now online
a cyber thief now has all the information they ever need to know about you. They have access to your credit cards and when you need to pay for something and your card is declined, it is a very scary situation than you are.
Do you know there are private sites "underground" there where people stole credit card information is sold to other thieves who then go on spending sprees?
digital crime is the fastest growing crime in the world and it's up to you to protect yourself.
Not everything is a lost cause, though!
Be sure to regularly back up your data on all your devices. Make sure you have a very secure password that includes letters, numbers and uppercase and lowercase symbols. Make sure you connect to a secure and reliable network.
To make sure that my data is protected I use HotSpot Shield. Protect my equipment from prying eyes and people who make their living by stealing from others. It gives you the ability to define your own "virtual" location which can be very important for people who are traveling or if you spend the evening catching up on your favorite British shows "real time".
Jessica Webb
Hotspot Shield Ambassador
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