Europas Awards 2014

8:03 PM
Europas Awards 2014 -

We were delighted to sponsor / Trust for Best Security Europas the ceremony held in London on Tuesday night.

Founded in 09 by Mike Butcher (editor usually the Europas is Europe's answer to the United States Crunchies, giving technology startups that are not based in Silicon Valley or in London, the opportunity to show their tech talent. The event brings together like-minded thinkers and companies under one roof in celebration of all things technology.

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Last night tech-sequins event welcomed 800 guests, technology, media, and which party hard at night to celebrate the many recent successes Internet companies in Europe.

last year, Mike Butcher entered by riding on a Harley Davidson, performance this year by the winner of Eurovision Conchita Wurst was featured -. although some say he was a lookalike

judges included some of the most known and respected technology journalists, investors and entrepreneurs in the business, including YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim, and journalists TechCrunch, Wired and investors Google Ventures

category / privacy Best security was one of four new award this year and won by ZenMate -. a Berlin company privacy, and the presentation was made by our COO, Danvers Baillieu. Danvers was a regular Europas since 2010 when he picked up the "Best service provider for start ups", in his former capacity as the founder of Bootlaw.

We are very proud to have been part of this event for startups and European investors, and look forward to 2015. Europas prices

You can view the complete list of winners by visiting their website

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