Are we approaching the end of net neutrality?

9:04 PM
Are we approaching the end of net neutrality? -

What is net neutrality? Net neutrality is the idea that all Internet traffic is treated in the same way; no ISP can block or discriminate traffic anyway, and it can not charge you more depending on what you use.

The debate over net neutrality has been raging for years, but it seems that things are accelerating. new rules proposed by the FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, leaked last week, would allow internet service at two speeds, and allow ISPs to cut deals with streaming sites like Netflix and Amazon, which in turn could you pay more for faster speeds.

What does this mean for you?
ISP charge sites such as Netflix to be able to deliver their movies to a watchable speed. If Netflix refuses to pay the Internet service provider, for example Verizon, Netflix customers will get plenty of buffer, especially if they want to watch a movie in HD. So Netflix will pay the ISP, otherwise everyone will complain that their service is poor, and leave.
Essentially, it boils down to companies trying to make more money by creating high-end services. If net neutrality goes ahead, streaming sites such as Amazon will likely offer premium packages, however, these improved services would be a "lie" as what it really means is that many service streaming would be degraded unless you pay.
It is a bit like putting speed bumps on a road that was fine to begin with, then charge you to take them out again.
Thus, the Internet exists today, and what we consider the "norm" could be replaced by a new system, we pay extra to receive faster speeds (that exists today, with net neutrality!)

There is a solution!
ISPs are able to watch and monitor your traffic, and if, for example, watching a movie on Netflix, you may be asked if you want to buy the "premium package" ie one that will not slow down Netflix your show or movie.
So, you are watching a movie you've been dying to see, but, oh no, it's buffering, it is unwatchable. Your movie night is ruined; your popcorn is eaten, and the groove ass on your sofa you've worked so hard to lose happened!
But do not be afraid, because when you connect to a VPN server (HMA! Pro VPN is your best bet!) Wrong ISP, because you have changed the IP address. Because the ISP can not see your online activities, it leaves your bandwidth speed alone, without limitation, and therefore it is unable to detect that you are watching a Netflix movie. Hoorah - problem solved

The FCC will meet May 15, 2014 to decide the future of the internet and net neutrality, but even if they press forward and end the Internet as we know it, it is good to know that HMA! Pro VPN is here to help you get around this!

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