Digital Magna Carta launched by British Library - now vote

4:48 PM
Digital Magna Carta launched by British Library - now vote -

Students from around the world taking part in a project of the British Library to discuss what issues should be included in a converter digital! Magna Carta. The clauses fall under three categories; freedom, access and privacy.

3000 students from the UK and abroad have created more than 500 clauses My digital rights to the British Library project, highlighting some of the concerns of young people have with the digital age, including online safety and security, calls for online privacy, and be able to enjoy freedom on the net.

researchers ComRes recently found that 29% of those between 18 October wanted to feel safe and protected on the net, and 17% of respondents want to see freedom of speech and uncensored net for everyone, no matter where they are in the world.

Magna Carta digital marks the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta and the 25th anniversary of the band. The Magna Carta (Great Charter means in Latin) was granted by King John on June 15th 1215 at Runnymede, which means that anyone, even a king was above the law. One of the four remaining copies of Magna Carta in 1215 is kept in the Chapter House Salisbury Cathedral, UK.

At the time of writing, the first ten Magna Carta digital clauses include "not being censored by the government", "freedom from censorship and mass surveillance" and "not allowing government and technology companies to encroach on our privacy when online; if the information or surf social media, the web we want to be private and secure "

. We hide my ass! could not agree more with the young clauses put forward for digital Magna Carta! We hate the net censorship and ridiculous blocks placed on websites by so many governments around the world -. Which is the main reason why our VPN service was originally created

World Wide Web Inventor Berners-Lee believes digital Magna Carta is essential to ensure user privacy and freedom of expression on the Net. Speaking during a Web event we want in September last year Tim Berners-Lee said: "There were many times he was abused, so now the Magna Carta is to say ... I want a web where I am not spied, where there is no censorship "Berners-Lee said:" Our rights are being violated more and more from all sides, and the danger is that we are used . "

voting is open to the public and runs this week, with the 10 best Magna digital Carta clauses will be announced Monday, June 15 - Magna Carta Day

What the digital Magna Carta will end , well, we'll see next week - but do not forget to vote

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