We added 20 new servers and 2516 IP addresses HMA! Pro VPN network, including 2 more VPN servers in Washington DC, USA! Our users can easily connect to these places via our official Hide My Ass! . VPN software
We also added multiple VPN servers in New York, and we added servers in Zurich, Switzerland
Here are the details:
- United States, Washington DC (VPN LOC1 S8) (128 IPs)
- United States, Washington DC (VPN LOC1 S7) (128 IPs)
- United States, Washington DC (VPN LOC1 S6) (128 IPs)
- United States, California, San Jose (VPN LOC1 S5) (128 IPs)
- US California, San Jose (VPN LOC1 S4) (128 IPs)
- United States, Texas, Dallas (VPN LOC2 S4) (128 IPs)
- United States, Texas, Dallas (VPN LOC2 S3) (128 IPs)
- United States, Texas, Dallas (VPN LOC2 S2) (128 IPs)
- Republic of Singapore, Singapore (VPN LOC2 S3) (128 IP)
- Republic of Singapore, Singapore (VPN LOC2 S2) (128 IPs)
- Switzerland, Zurich VPN (LOC1 S7) (124 IPs)
- Switzerland, Zurich VPN (LOC1 S6 ) (125 IPs)
- United Kingdom, Berkshire, Maidenhead VPN (LOC1 S9) (123 IPs)
- United Kingdom, Berkshire, Maidenhead VPN (LOC1 S10) (123 IPs)
- United Kingdom, Berkshire, Maidenhead VPN (LOC1 S11) (123 IPs)
- United Kingdom, Berkshire, Maidenhead VPN (LOC1 S12) (123 IPs)
- United -um, Berkshire, Maidenhead VPN (LOC1 S13) (123 IPs)
- United States, New York, Albany (VPN LOC1 S5) (124 IPs)
- United States, New York Albany (VPN LOC1 S6) (124 IP)
- United States, New York, Albany (VPN LOC1 S7) (124 IPs)
looking for a server VPN in the US? You're lucky that Hide My Ass! has USA VPN servers in each state of the United States!
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