VPN server in Washington DC, USA added!

2:45 PM
VPN server in Washington DC, USA added! -

We added 20 new servers and 2516 IP addresses HMA! Pro VPN network, including 2 more VPN servers in Washington DC, USA! Our users can easily connect to these places via our official Hide My Ass! . VPN software

We also added multiple VPN servers in New York, and we added servers in Zurich, Switzerland

Here are the details:

  1. United States, Washington DC (VPN LOC1 S8) (128 IPs)
  2. United States, Washington DC (VPN LOC1 S7) (128 IPs)
  3. United States, Washington DC (VPN LOC1 S6) (128 IPs)
  4. United States, California, San Jose (VPN LOC1 S5) (128 IPs)
  5. US California, San Jose (VPN LOC1 S4) (128 IPs)
  6. United States, Texas, Dallas (VPN LOC2 S4) (128 IPs)
  7. United States, Texas, Dallas (VPN LOC2 S3) (128 IPs)
  8. United States, Texas, Dallas (VPN LOC2 S2) (128 IPs)
  9. Republic of Singapore, Singapore (VPN LOC2 S3) (128 IP)
  10. Republic of Singapore, Singapore (VPN LOC2 S2) (128 IPs)
  11. Switzerland, Zurich VPN (LOC1 S7) (124 IPs)
  12. Switzerland, Zurich VPN (LOC1 S6 ) (125 IPs)
  13. United Kingdom, Berkshire, Maidenhead VPN (LOC1 S9) (123 IPs)
  14. United Kingdom, Berkshire, Maidenhead VPN (LOC1 S10) (123 IPs)
  15. United Kingdom, Berkshire, Maidenhead VPN (LOC1 S11) (123 IPs)
  16. United Kingdom, Berkshire, Maidenhead VPN (LOC1 S12) (123 IPs)
  17. United -um, Berkshire, Maidenhead VPN (LOC1 S13) (123 IPs)
  18. United States, New York, Albany (VPN LOC1 S5) (124 IPs)
  19. United States, New York Albany (VPN LOC1 S6) (124 IP)
  20. United States, New York, Albany (VPN LOC1 S7) (124 IPs)

looking for a server VPN in the US? You're lucky that Hide My Ass! has USA VPN servers in each state of the United States!

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