How to keep your personal information online - lessons learned from the Ashley Madison hack

12:06 PM
How to keep your personal information online - lessons learned from the Ashley Madison hack -

how to keep your personal information online, what lessons have we learned from Ashley Madison hack? Ashley Madison debacle has raised a number of questions about privacy that millions of passwords users have been disclosed, but other than the obvious advice 'do not cheat on your spouse or partner "- qu'est- what we have learned from Ashley Madison hack - we take a look at how to keep your personal information safe online.

when signing a website, surf the net, connecting to Wi-Fi public or even the delivery of your personal information in exchange goods or services , keeping our personal data safe online is of paramount importance. Follow our tips on how to keep your personal information safe online.

How to keep your personal information online

1. Choose passwords to your social media, email and online banking of accounts, in fact an online service where you use a password. Use different passwords for each account, because if an attacker accesses one of these, it is likely that they can easily guess or have access to any other.

Choose a password with a minimum of ten characters, and mix using uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. For more information, see my previous posts " How to create secure passwords " and " 5 ways to keep your passwords safe during the holidays ."

2. whatever you do, do not use Wi-Fi to sync your contacts, data, images or anything that is' for your eyes "without using a VPN such as - drum roll please -. Hide My Ass Pro VPN a VPN encrypts all data you send and receive by sending it through a private VPN tunnel, so that all who want to steal your data will see gibberish.

3. two-factor authentication adds another layer of protection. T wo-factor authentication is available on a number of sites, including Gmail Yahoo and Twitter.

To access your account, you must enter your password (surprise), but you should also check that your account. So once you have entered your password, you will receive an identification number sent to your phone, and once you have entered the code, you can access your account.

4. Thieves and hackers use phishing emails to access your personal information, including your username and password bank. Cyber ​​criminals have upped their game in recent years and while it would have been relatively easy to spot a fake then (they tend to have obvious grammatical errors in the topic title), it is now increasingly difficult to recognize the real emails from wrong. If you are not 100% sure if the email is legitimate, click the Delete button. Check this article " how to identify phishing scams PC World.

5. Keep your smartphone while you're there, your PCs and Macs and other devices updated with the latest security updates.

6. Another good tip to keep your personal information safe online is by creating a anonymous email account means that you should not give your e -mail real. Check out other ways a anonymous email account can make your life easier .

7. Use the navigation mode incognito / private to keep your private browsing history, but keep in mind that your Internet server provider (ISP) and eyes may snooping still see what you get up to online. Incognito mode / private browsing will not erase all traces of your Internet history research but you can increase your online privacy by using a VPN.

For more information on how HMA! Pro VPN can help protect your right to privacy, visit our website.

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