Discover how to control Facebook ads - so Facebook does not know everything about you

9:16 PM
Discover how to control Facebook ads - so Facebook does not know everything about you -

Facebook, most likely, you know better than anyone! If you are a 1.71 billion active Facebook users (at the time of writing) - take a minute to think about some of the data that you have freely given more, like your name, age, condition marital, your birthday, and the languages ​​you speak. Facebook collects more data on you that you've had hot lunches, but the information collected is not limited to what you gave when you created your account. You also provide Facebook with the data of the pages you "like", and pages that you share. And even once you're off Facebook, you are always be followed! The amount of personal information Facebook knows about you is amazing, but this is why it is able to provide its service for free.

While users are not exactly forced to hand over their personal data and share messages on Facebook, they feel compelled to share their interests - their music and movies their preferred political and religious views to give friends, acquaintances and members more insight family in their lives, making them feel more connected and avoid fomo (fear of missing out!)

huge Facebook success is due to a number of factors; keep more friendly (privacy settings of an exception!), to provide a platform for people to read news, as well as allow users to find various interest groups and discuss different topics. Sharing information, and by extension, our data collection is part of what makes Facebook the king of social media.

Facebook is so embedded in our daily lives, even when we log on (for an hour!), It is still able to follow us through small text files, commonly known as the "Cookies". Cookies are able to track and store our online browsing activities, which in turn give advertisers additional insights on our interests, helping to push the ads that they believe to be relevant to us.

What you've been looking for online impacts the types of ads you see on Facebook

not only show you Facebook the ads that it considers relevant to you, for example, pages that you liked, it also has websites and tracks the applications you use, even when you left Facebook. For example, say you were interested in buying new tires for your car. You have searched online for the best price, and soon Facebook ads for cars, tires and car rentals appear! This is known as interest-based advertising online. Facebook are not the only ones who use this type of advertising - Google do too

So who better to explain based advertising interest online that Facebook-based interests


.. advertising means deciding which ads you'd like to see based on your activity on the websites and applications outside of Facebook. your activity on Web sites and applications outside of Facebook who use the services and technology we can Facebook help to learn about the ads you might be interested in. you can see ads for online interest centers on Facebook Facebook, or on other websites and applications where we serve ads. "

Where is all the data stored? If you have not heard of Facebook Ad Preferences, then check out the ingenious if somewhat alarming section on their website.

The information Facebook stores about you pages you've "liked" and then followed you out Facebook can be found under their ads Preferences. Not all the information on the websites and applications you use is stored here, so it's more about what Facebook think he knows.

Let's look at an example of a Facebook ad.

When I click the "X" in the upper right corner of the Facebook ad, a menu will be displayed as shown below.

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Select "Why did I see that?" and you will see an explanation of why you see Facebook this list.

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You can "Manage Your Ad Preferences" and see how many Facebook information think he knows about you and the things that interest you. As you can see in the screenshot below, the range of topics is broad -. Leisure and new activities and entertainment

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Click one of these categories, in this example, I chose "Fitness and Wellness" and it will show you associated subcategories.

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one thing I noticed when I decided to "contrary to a page" - it's still there - under Preferences Facebook ad! You will need to manually remove

If you find Facebook ads beneficial to you, you can use Ad Preferences from Facebook to your advantage -. By adding those that are more relevant to you. If, like me, you are tired of seeing Facebook ads that are not relevant, you can remove and you will not be shown ads based product or service.

You can only manage, not ban Facebook ads!

We know Facebook collects and stores data to push targeted ads from pages "like" and messages which we are commenting, but it also uses facial recognition, our location, and announcements we click and the sites we visit and applications we use.

You can disable the ads by Facebook online interest centers and this prevents them from collecting information from your web activity (as shown below), but you will never be free Facebook ads (unless you disable your account). It will continue to show you ads, but those who can be of less interest to you. (Is PLUS boring?)

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You can take a step further and to withdraw from Facebook tracking your viewing activity on the web, but this option is not available in all countries. Keep in mind that because this approach uses cookies, you will need to apply to any browser on each of your device (s), and if you delete your cookies, you will need to opt again!

Digital Advertising Alliance in the US
Digital Advertising Alliance Canada
Digital Advertising Alliance in Europe

the Digital Advertising Alliance (in small print at the end of the page) , also states:

  • "opt These outputs apply to advertising based on interest and other applicable uses of Web data visualization by participating companies of the DAA You will always receive other types. online advertising of participating companies, and these companies (and the Web sites you visit) may still collect information for other purposes. Learn more about the DAA principles. "

Want to know more things that Facebook knows about you? See this article by BuzzFeed :. "Here are 80 very personal things that Facebook knows about you now"

What do you think of Facebook ads? Do you find them useful or consider an invasion of your privacy? Let us know your thoughts on the ads Facebook commenting on our blog.

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