Ashley Madison hack by Team Impact - who is next

3:22 PM
Ashley Madison hack by Team Impact - who is next -

I'm sure you have heard about the recent hack Ashley Madison, would have realized by a group of pirates through the name of Team impact, unless, of course, you have lived under a rock for the past few weeks.

Although there has been much media coverage of Ashley Madison hack and track items on the devastation of much of its user relationships caused by their personal information be made public, not much was said the reason for the attack. Many sites have speculated that Team Impact of the attack as an Avid Life Media blackmail (the parent company that owns the Ashley Madison site), or the users themselves.

However, in a interview Motherboard , an alleged member of Team Impact said that this argument could not be further from the truth:

motherboard - "What were your motivations for the hack?"

impact team -. "We were in Avid Media Life long to understand and get all Finally, we looked at the Ashley Madison registrations growing and trafficking people on the sites. Everybody says 37 million! blackmail users! We are not blackmailing users.

Avid Life Media blackmail them. But the whole team could hacking have. We did it to stop 60 million. Avid Media Life is like a drug dealer drug abuse. "

Leaving his personal feelings about the morality of the Ashley Madison hack to one side for the moment, if we take the interview team impact as genuine and sincere, it would seem that the group were motivated by their strong dislike of how Avid life / Ashley Madison treated their users and wanted to highlight their business practices in the average profile as high as possible, despite the potential for enormous collateral damage to the user base. Team Impact claim that Ashley Madison offered a service 'full delete' to permanently delete a user's details to a "small 19 fee $. The Ashley Madison hack has shown that this was not the case . Further analysis of the data dump also suggests that Ashley Madison created 70,000 women 'bots' to send messages to real users on the site .

Whatever the rights and wrongs of the Ashley Madison hack, it seems clear that Avid Life had little respect for the safety of its users -. something that Team Impact wanted to tell the world

Motherboard - "What was their security as"

Team impact -. "Nobody looked Bad No security the only thing was segmented network Pass1234 You can use the Internet to VPN at the root of all... servers. "

" For a company whose main promise is the secret, it's like you have not even tried, as you thought you'd never pi ** ed off anyone "

It is clear that the impact of team comprises a group of highly skilled hackers, motivated not by money, but the need for companies like Avid Media to justice. Although data dumps will no doubt be discussed in more detail in the coming days, with more being reported on revelations, it begs the question - who is next on their list

Or perhaps a more appropriate question would be - what business or like of society, would make good targets for a potential hacker group

watching the great hacks of recent times, the alleged motives behind the attacks appear to differ in each case. With Sony hack , it was claimed a North Korean group was responsible because of the Sony connection with a film that mocks North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, although it may will not necessarily be the case. Black hat hacking group Lizard Squad took down the PSN and Xbox Live network via an unprecedented attack DDOS " for fun. In addition, one of the great aspects here was awareness about the low state of computer security these companies . "Home Depot had 56 million stolen credit card accounts in an attack that was, most likely, financially motivated . Going back even further, the raids Habbo Hotel conducted by the group 'Anonymous, 4chan under were simply made "for the lulz.'

Given the wide range of reasons behind every attack, altruism in financial gain to want simply to cause chaos, almost all large companies could be in the firing line. It is only after the event, when the company or going public hacking group that we find on the dark secrets held by executives, illegal trade practices or poor security used to protect our personal information.

Although if we had to make some guesses about what might happen next, based on what we saw of Ashley Madison hack, we could conclude that an adult video site could be a good candidate for the "next big hack. 'The Ashley Madison data shows the accounts were opened using email addresses government and it seems that British members of Parliament are very happy to watch adult content at work (for research purposes only, no doubt). a list of premium (paid) Brazzers accounts were also recently published on torrent sites a nd it n 't take too much effort to link these accounts to real people, some of which can be saved to corporate e-mail addresses or government.

Getting music, an attack on an adult site could select all or motivation boxes - exposing low level of security, the potential blackmail users and credit card information to a gain financial, as well as a "public service announcement" exposing the hypocrisy of MPs who publicly call censorship of adult content on the Internet, while secretly watching adult material while at work. Not to mention the old because of the age of the aggressors do anything - '. For the lulz

Can we make an educated guess at who is on impact teams the list of

Motherboard [1945008?] - "Is -what team will be the impact hacking other sites in the future? If so, what goals or objectives sort of have you in mind

Team impact - "Not only the sites. All companies that make millions of 100s benefiting from others' pain, secrets and lies. Perhaps the corrupt politicians. If we do, it will be a long time, but there will be total. "

In my personal opinion, one of the obvious targets will Ashely Madison. Yes, another Ashley Madison hack!

Although Christmas Biderman may have resigned in a damage control move, Ashley Madison reported that rather than users to leave en masse, as one might suspect, business is growing (which shows that there is no such thing as bad publicity). no doubt the Avid media called consultants, increased security of the site and can -being even deleted the profiles of users who have paid for the privilege, as promised. However, given the technical competence of the impact team and their hatred of Avid Media, I can not see them take this lying down and can even see it as a challenge.

Can we really expect Team impact to let Ashley Madison operate as usual? Can we really expect from this team of elite hackers to lose face as Avid Media claim their site was actually "hack proof"? I doubt. Team Impact does not seem the type to leave a job half done, so I have a feeling we'll see them again soon.

Anonymous claim infamously that "They do not forgive, they do not forget" but I think the last word should go to Impact team on that occasion - ". It will be total"

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