We are pleased to announce that we have officially partnered with the request progress to fight for online privacy and an open Internet and the fight against mass surveillance by the government! As part of this partnership, the application of advances supporters can get the VyprVPN service with 1GB of free data for the first month and 500 MB recurring in the following months, more than 25% on annual plans. Click here to access this.
Golden Frog and Demand Progress have worked together on various initiatives for some time, and we share similar views on the reform ECPA, net neutrality and open Internet issues, encryption and monitoring the end. You can learn more about our efforts below. We both take steps to adopt changes, Golden Frog at the side of politics and build tools to help people protect their privacy online, and demand progress from grassroots lobbying.
Request Policy Director Daniel Schuman Progress will also talk about our SXSW panel Take Back Your Internet this year, joining the debate on the backdoor encryption.
Problems that demand progress and Golden Frog Work On
- ECPA reform :. Progress request actively working on ECPA reform and Golden Frog went to DC twice in 2015 to speak to legislators about the reform of the ECPA
- net neutrality issues / Open Internet: Progress demand led the battle for net campaign and Golden Frog has addressed these issues in their vision document. Golden Frog also organized a Take Back Your Internet panel open Internet and net neutrality at SXSW last year
- Save Crypto Petition :. The two organizations signed this effort, asking the US president to protect the strong encryption. Signatures have crossed the threshold of 100,000 votes, so that the White House has responded to the petition
- mass surveillance End :. Golden Frog signed a Letter of Demand Progress coalition created, and demand progress has written a guest blog on the website Golden Frog
Read request after Progress Medium to know more:. demand progress in partnership with Golden Frog to fight against surveillance
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