We must stop CISA

7:14 PM
We must stop CISA -


Image Credit: Electronic Frontier Foundation

update: September 2015

Several amendments were submitted to CISA since we reported on the bill. As described FEP, most of these amendments do not address the fundamental issues and do not create enough link between the "cyber" as claimed by the government and monitoring. Although some of the amendments are positive, many of them are not favorable and it is imperative that we continue to push against CISA. You can view the proposed amendments to the CISA here and continue fighting

Original Post :. We must stop CISA

CISA, the Act respecting the sharing of information on cyber security, will be voted on soon by the US Senate. While the bill is expected on the platform of cybersecurity, it is actually a draft monitoring law. If passed, it would greatly expand the power of governments and companies to spy on people by accessing their user data and communications.

The CISA bill would give companies the right to monitor data of their users, including emails, passwords and IP addresses. In addition, the bill encourages companies to share "indicators of cyber threats" with the government - and to do so generously. - In return for certain protections laws surveillance

CISA give companies like Facebook and Google almost unlimited access to personal data, and encourage them to share more with the government. What's worse, all this would happen without the knowledge of the user, which has virtually no control over the place where their data can be found.

Golden Frog is categorically opposed to this bill. neither the companies nor the government should have this scan, unprecedented access to user data. this is a flagrant violation of the right to privacy, and a dangerous direction for the industry of information technology as a whole.

We are not the only ones who feel this way. The battle for the future organization created the #FaxBigBrother campaign, using the hashtag to send millions of faxes to US senators to protest against the bill. Other organizations also spoke strongly against the bill and work to combat it, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the ACLU, and the Sunlight Foundation.

It is important that we unite to end the Cyber ​​surveillance and arrest CISA.

This is what you can do to help:

  • Send a fax to protest against the bill
  • Email your representatives EFF Action page
  • Use #StopCISA hashtag on social media
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