In previous posts, we discussed that the US Privacy Act on Electronic Communications (ECPA) and the need is update. We also talked about the direction of Texas has shown through its amendment of ECPA to ensure the confidentiality of messages in Texas and how it provides a legislative model that sends a strong message to Washington DC that the time to get the federal amendment now.
While a bill to amend ECPA is before the Congress of the United States (S. 607) as we speak, he is far from finished. To get it passed, everyone who cares about keeping private electronic communications needs to make their voices heard. But the issue is bigger than that, and much needs to be done other invasions of privacy by the United States and other governments continue to make the news.
Continuing threat to the amendment ECPA
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is looking for an exception to the law on the reform of the ECPA that weakens legislation seriously. The SEC is seeking access to electronic data of all citizens without a court order. The application of the SEC has an impact on the progress of the bill and there is not date set for a Senate vote on S. 607.
More than the 4th Amendment
while most of the focus on privacy was on the 4th amendment to the United States Constitution, others are equally relevant, especially to other parts of the Bill of rights. The Constitution protects against government seizure of property without due process and compensation. Electronic communications are data; your data is your property. Therefore, data entry without due process and compensation is unconstitutional. What the National Security Agency (NSA) has been violating our constitution; SEC proposes that all civilian agencies should also be able to violate our constitutional rights.
The world is watching
Around the world people wonder where their data is stored. The United States is considered a dangerous place for data. With the growth of cloud computing in the balance, the United States must provide assurance that the data in the world can be safely and securely stored within its borders. continuous gaps in protection of privacy will severely limit the role of the United States on the world market of cloud computing.
What can you do?
We gave you two ways to protect yourself online by encrypting your communications in transit and on disk. VyprVPN encrypts your content while in transit. Despite recent reports that the government has found a way to intercept encryption technologies and decrypt them, we do not believe they can do with VyprVPN. If you store your content with us, you can also go further and encrypt your content stored so that neither we nor the government can read it.
We have, and will, do everything possible to ensure that the Internet remains open and free and no government - if the United States or any other - can steal your private information. Internet users around the world are facing threats of censorship and privacy. VyprVPN and our other Golden Frog products are designed to counteract these threats to freedom, privacy and freedom of expression worldwide.
We can not do much. Each of you can and must do more. It's time to stop your rights to privacy of the disappearance, visit to learn. You can also enjoy reading an article on the Daily Sheeple on how widespread espionage and became an article on entitled "How can we accept supervision."
We will all tell our elected officials that they need, right now, to stop this progression to a global surveillance state. trust needs to be restored not only the American people but the world. the things you do and the things you create are your property. do not let our government, or any other, you take it. they will if you do not act now. Use our VyprVPN and other encryption products. But now pronounce before they are prohibited and privacy, and therefore all our freedoms and liberties are lost.
Ron Yokubaitis, co-CEO, Golden Frog
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