We are very pleased to announce the latest version of HMA! Pro VPN (for Windows) and get it into the hands of our users. This is our last major release and will be available as an automatic update to all users in the coming weeks. You can also install this update directly away if you prefer not to wait, downloading the latest version of your VPN control panel.
We continued to make stability a top priority in all our Windows platforms.
All software versions are now signed with the new EV digital certificate, which guarantees that you download official HMA! software. If someone tries to touch our client, then it will invalidate the certificate and notify the user. We've also improved how we manage dynamically overloaded servers. They are no longer included in the server pool at random, so as not to have to worry about slow speeds when selecting a random server. We also improved our NSIS installer, so there is more support for Windows 8.1, as well as many others including corrections and adjustments.
You can view the complete list of improvements and fixes found in this version in our forum here.
Please come with ideas or questions. We look forward to continue developing and to Hide My Ass! the best possible.
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