Australians! how to use a VPN to beat the data retention -
Last week saw the introduction of data retention plan of the Australian government, a controversial project that threatens the fundamental right of all Australians to privacy. However, it is not catastrophic, because the conservation plan for the Australian government data can be beaten using a VPN. Hide My Ass! explains how to use a VPN to beat data retention!
Each Australian must definitely feel like they live in the dystopian novel "1984" Orwell. But there is a solution and that is to use a VPN to beat data retention.
What is the data retention plan of the Australian government mean for Australians?
The Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (data retention) 2015 Bill obliges ISPs and telecom operators to collect and store the metadata every Australian to a minimum of two years in order to strengthen online monitoring. It is similar to the retention of data and surveys Powers Bill (RRD) which was precipitated by the UK parliament last year and was met with the same disdain. Australian Big Brother will come into force in 2017.
This seriously and understandably ruffled the feathers of many people, including opposition parties.
Pirate Party Deputy Chairman Simon Frew said the new data retention plan Australia "years to undermine privacy and other civil liberties peaked. Everyone will live under the shadow of mass surveillance. Frew added: "This is the most shameless authoritarian law Australia has seen in years."
If this were not enough Orwellian for Australians, more than 2,500 police officers have the task of riffles through the metadata of the individual, that they can do it without a warrant. A warrant would however need to be able to access the content of emails and other communications.
The Australian government data Conservation Plan hopes that by giving the intelligence agencies and law enforcement the power to access metadata they can fight against serious crimes, including cybercrime and protecting the country against potential attacks from terrorists. Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the collection of metadata is of course, he would say that
So what's Metadata "essential in the fight against most major crimes." - What !? the information collected
- date of the communication
- Airtime
- device location (including Wi -Fi hotspots)
- beneficiary communications
- text messages (not content)
- emails (not content)
But do data retention plans actually work?
There have been several studies, including one in Germany, which found that only a " marginal increase of 0.006% release rate "in the fight against crime was reached.
Apparently metadata Harvesting little more than that to make more money for big business! Are we really surprised ?!
Using a VPN to hide your IP address from ISP and save your metadata!
Australians in the know, know how to use a VPN to bypass the higher prices added on goods and services known as' The Australian Tax . The Australians also use a VPN to bypass the geo-restricted websites so they can watch TV and movies abroad. You can also learn to use a VPN to beat data retention and watch TV all countries!
The Australian data retention plan will only increase the need for Australians to use a VPN. A VPN is now BFF an Australian
It is also useful to remember that when using the Wi-Fi data is vulnerable to attackers and thieves who can quickly and easily hack your device - stealing your personal and confidential data in seconds!
How to use a VPN to beat data retention
VPN allows users to communicate privately and securely on a remote network using their PC , Mac, Android or iOS, recommended VPN router or configurable device connected. Once you're connected to a VPN, ALL of your network traffic is sent through an encrypted VPN tunnel, keeping your data safe and out of sight and out of reach of eavesdroppers (in this case, the Australian intelligence agencies and law enforcement)
If you read this and think "Oh, that sounds incredibly scary - I do not have a technical bone in my body." - Do not worry! It really is as easy as boiling an egg to implement Hide My Ass! Pro VPN on all devices, including iPhone, Mac, Android or on your PC. And if you need help, our support donkeys are here to help!
We have VPN servers in 182 countries around the world and if you need an Australian IP address (yours will be masked by HMA! IP address), we have VPN servers Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne.
your privacy is in good hands with Hide My Ass!
When using a VPN your ISP can see that you are online, but they can not see the Web sites you visit - they are blind to your online activities
Use a well-known VPN service provider established as Hide My Ass.! HMA! Pro VPN will be 6 years old this year - so you can be sure that your personal and confidential information is safe and secure with us -. Unlike VPN free services where you do not know who is behind them
The good news for Australians is that they can use a virtual private network (VPN) to mask their IP address, not only their Internet service provider, but from the Australian data retention plan!
If you live in Australia, how do you feel in terms of data retention? Do you think it is a good idea, or is it about you that your government hoovering your data
Be smart - use Hide My Ass! Pro VPN and give the plan for the conservation of Australian data the cold shoulder!
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