What is a referrer anonymous and why you need to use it? Well, if you need to link to a website without revealing the source you are linking from, then you need an anonymous referrer. It is very easy for anyone who clicks the link, as the owner of the other site, to find out who sent them. Using Hide My Ass! anonymous referrer service only Hide My Ass! Site Pro VPN will be recorded by the site you are linking to, third parties will not be able to follow the link to you!
You can anonymize a single link using a form or anonymize all the links on your website or forum using a simple script. Each outgoing link on your website, message board, blog or any other HTML page will be anonymized! Pretty cool, huh ?!
How anonymize a single link with HMA! referrer anonymous
Just type your website address and press "Yes" next to "Encode link." When set to "On", your anonymous connection will contain the original URL in. visible form
For example:
unencoded anonymous referral link : http://www.google.com -> http://hidemyass.com/? http% 3A% 2F% 2Fgoogle.de
link encoded anonymous reference : http://www.google.com -> http://hidemyass.com/?aHR0cDovL2dvb2dsZS5kZQ%3D % 3D
How can I anonymize all the links on the forum of my site?
Just enter your website and click "anonymize."
You will get a javascript code that you can insert into the HTML of your website directly on top of
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